Treatment of papillomas at home and in the clinic: medicines and folk remedies

Doctors recommend removing all skin neoplasms, explaining this by the fact that theyelimination (destruction) will stop the spread of the papillomavirus among people and prevent the development of possible complications.

However, it is up to everyone to decide whether or not to remove the papilloma.

But there are conditions under which the removal of papillomas should be done as soon as possible. These include:

  • Infection of the papilloma after injury with the development of bacterial inflammation;
  • Changes in the appearance of the wart: deformation, ulceration, spontaneous decay, indicating its possible malignancy (degeneration of benign cells into malignant cells);
  • The presence of genital warts in the anogenital region, even without the detection of oncogenic types of HPV.

Features of the treatment of papillomas

The difference in the treatment of papillomavirus manifestations occurs only with the development of genital warts in the perineum and in the genital area. In case of damage to other parts of the body, all methods and means are identical: physical removal of papillomas with the use of concomitant antiviral and immunostimulating treatment.

Histological examination of papilloma tissues for the presence of malignant cells

Before removing the papilloma, it is necessary to examine the tissues for the presence of malignant cells.

Treatment of papillomas in women

When the skin of the lips and perineum is affected, the methods of removing genital warts, in general, do not differ from the generally accepted ones.. At the same time, the development of papillomas in the cervix and vaginal walls requires a special approach.

A gynecologist deals with the problems of manifestation of papilloma infection of the internal female genital organs. If necessary, a consultation with an oncologist is provided. Pharmacological treatment involves complex antiviral and immunostimulating therapy, which is performed only after the removal of genital warts and / or erosions.

The removal itself consists of taking a tissue sample for histological examination and, more often, for electrocoagulation or laser removal.

Important! It is this method that allows the most qualitative elimination of cervical erosion in the initial stages and papillomas of the vaginal walls.

Treatment of papillomas in men

The principle of treatment is the same: removal of papillomas, anti-inflammatory treatment and increased immunity with the help of immunomodulators.

Treatment of papillomas in case of development of genital warts on the penis and scrotum, depending on the severity, can be managed by both a urologist and a dermatologist.

Almost all common methods can be used to eliminate neoplasms.. . . However, surgical excision is only done in cases of suspected precancerous conditions (Keir's erythroplasia, Bowen's disease) or cancer.

The elimination of glans genital warts is desirable using high-precision techniques, in particular a laser or radio waves.

Important! The use of cryodestruction or electrocoagulation can lead to the formation of a scar, which will negatively affect sexual function and create a cosmetic defect.

Clinical methods for the treatment and removal of papillomas

Note! The choice of a method for removing papillomas depends on the type, size, location of the papillomas, individual characteristics and condition of the patient. Usually, which type of removal is preferable in each case is determined by the doctor.


This is perhaps the most common removal technique that uses liquid nitrogen. Due to its relatively low cost, the procedure is widely used to eliminate all manifestations of HPV on the skin.Suitable for eliminating all types of papillomas. . .

Removal of papillomas with a laser

The high precision of the method allows it to be used in the development of papillomas of the eyelids, face, external and internal genital organs, open skin areas and décolleté. Among the disadvantages is the high cost of the procedure.

removal of radio waves

The method is based on the direct action of high-frequency waves on the body's tissues. At the same time, under high-frequency waves, tissue layering occurs with minimal damage. The radio wave method is not inferior to laser precision, and unlike the laser, it can be used to remove large papillomas.


Cauterization of papillomas using high temperatures is widely used for their localization in the vagina, erosion of the cervix. The method affects all layers of the mucous membranes and skin, whichparticularly effective in the treatment of precancerous conditions.

Medical treatment

Official medicine offers three groups of drugs for the treatment of HPV manifestations:

  • Keratolytics: salicylic acid; 13-cis-retinoic acid: contributes to the rejection of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, exfoliates the skin together with the microorganisms that cause pathologies.
  • Immunostimulators: vitamins A, E, C; ginseng (extract) - boosts immunity to successfully resist the virus.
  • Antiviral: interferon alfa-2b - affects some types of pathogens.

Treatment of papillomas with folk remedies

Using the recipes belowacceptable only if the warts are located outside the anogenital area and the facial area.

In the presence of papilloma defects, the use of folk remedies is contraindicated

Do not use folk remedies if you are unsure whether the formation you have found is a papilloma or has sores, defects, bruises, etc.


Traditional medicine recipes for removing papillomas are considered safe, but when using them, be aware that this procedure is long and the result may be zero. Some simply don't have the patience to put an end to things, but more often than not the papilloma, at best, does not respond in any way to such treatment.

Kerosene and nuts

To make a walnut tea with kerosene, do the following:

  • Grind the young walnuts and fill them 2/3 full in a 3 liter jar.
  • Fill the walnuts with kerosene.
  • Let the jar sit for three weeks in a dark place.
  • The resulting infusion filter thoroughly with gauze.

Apply morning and evening to warts until they disappear.


Bake the eggshells at 250 ° for 30 minutes. After that, grind it to a powder state.

Once every three days, sprinkle the papilloma with egg powder, then fix it with a plaster. The procedure should be done within a few weeks.

Castor oil

First, steam the wart in warm water. Next, dry it and apply castor oil, gradually rubbing it. Seal the papilloma with a patch for 2-3 hours, then remove the patch and gently wipe the top layer of the neoplasm. Repeat the procedure every other day. It especially helps with large, rough formations.


Find a celandine bush and remove a large branch from it. At the site of the fracture, you will see a yellow juice that stands out, which must be applied to the papillomas twice a day for 14-28 days.

Chicken eggs

Take a raw egg, open it and separate the egg white from the yolk. Dip a cotton ball or stick in the protein, then lubricate the growths. The procedure must be repeated up to 4 times a day. It may take 1 to 2 months for complete cure.

Note! The remedy is effective against smaller warts.

Laundry soap

Soap the wart with a thick layer of laundry soap, then cover it with plastic wrap or stick a patch on it. The procedure should be carried out in the evening to wash off the soap composition only in the morning. As a rule, 4 procedures are enough to get rid of warts. The method has proven effective in treating flat warts.


Peel a clove of garlic, crush it and mix it with the flour in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply the resulting mixture with a 2-3 mm layer on the growth and fix with a plaster. The procedure should be done in the morning and in the evening. Do not keep the garlic bandage for more than 4 hours.

Blend of oils

The most effective treatment for warts is tea tree oil in combination with aloe juice and purified water. Mixing ratio 2: 1: 1. Apply 3 times a day with a thin layer on tumors. If skin irritation occurs, reduce the amount of oil.This mixture is suitable for the treatment of genital warts..


Take a normal alcoholic iodine solution and apply it once a day to the papillomas, lubricating them abundantly. Repeat the procedure until the growths disappear completely.


At night, attach a piece of banana peel to the neoplasm with the inside and fix it with a plaster. Depending on the size of the wart, the course of treatment can take from 1 to 6 weeks.


Moisten a cotton swab with table vinegar and attach it to the papilloma, fixing it with a plaster. After an hour, the cotton wool must be removed to avoid sunburn. The procedure should be done 2 to 4 times a day, depending on the size of the wart. The course of treatment should continue until the growths disappear.

Dandelion tincture

Collect the stems and flowers of the yellow dandelions, fill ¾ of a jar with them and fill with vodka. Put the jar for 3 weeks in a dark, cool and dry place, shaking once a day. Then moisten a cotton ball in the dye and attach it to the warts for 4-6 hours twice a day. The treatment time will be from 2 weeks to 2 months.

Infusion of mountain ash and wormwood

Take crushed wormwood root and dried rowan in a 1: 1 ratio. Prepare the resulting mixture at the rate of 1 tbsp. a tablespoon of the mixture for every 0, 5 liters of water. It is recommended to prepare the mixture in a thermos to insist during the day.

Moisten the cotton ball with the resulting infusion, then firmly attach it to the papilloma for 6 hours. This compress should be changed 3 times a day.